Thursday, December 18, 2008

Jackelin Arias Kippes - Miss Bolivia

Jackelin Arias Kippes

My name is Jackelin Arias Kippes. I live in Santa Cruz, Bolivia, a country with a great heritage and many tourist attractions: In the West is the highest lake in the world ‘Lake Titicaca’ and the salt flats in Uyuni; In the East the hanging gardens and natural caves in Samaipata and rich tropical forests.

I am currently at University studying Marketing and Publicity, and enjoying my role as Miss Bolivia. My ambition is to own my own fashion, design and modelling company.

Sports and leisure interests are: volleyball; athletics; reading; cooking; singing; dancing; playing the piano and guitar; and listening to a wide variety of music with a preference for: Samba, hip hop, salsa and electronic music.. Favourite food is Chinese because of the diversity, exotic and tasty flavours.

Personal motto is “Meet people!!!”

Q & A with Miss Jackelin Arias Kippes Q. Who do you admire most in the world?
A. My Mother

Q. In your mind, what is your greatest achievement?
A. To represent my country, Bolivia,in an international event!

Q. If you could travel back in time when and where would you travel?
A. To my childhood.

Q.What is your favourite movie?
A. Life is Beautiful

Q. Who is your favourite band?
A. The Beatles

Q. Tell us about your life?
Since being a small child, I have been very happy with my family and friends. I consider myself very happy and charasmatic, which has helped me to make many friends and get to where I am now. I am currently studying Marketing & Advertising in college.

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