Saturday, July 5, 2008

Angelica Lightbourne - Miss UK ( united kingdom )

Angelica Lightbourne

Age: 20
Height: 5'10"
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown

What are your interests and what do you enjoy doing the most?
I spend so much of my time studying, working and traveling, when I come home I enjoy spending time with my family, and catching up with friends. I regularly visit the gym as it gives me time to wind down after a hard day. I enjoy going on golfing weekends with my family and shopping trips with my friends. I have a huge interest in fashion and later I hope to release my Lingerie and Swimwear range. I have a particular interest in fund raising activities, I love getting involved in physical callenges and enjoy taking part in The race for life.

What is your career ambition?
I am a very ambitious person, but I believe that you can achieve anything if you put your mind to it. My current ambition is to complete my University degree, then I will always have that to fall back on. Later I would like to further my career and specialise in working with cancer patients. I am particularly interested in the development of x-ray machines and radiation, and would like to further my knowledge by doing my Masters degree. I want to own the 'Make you Blush' trade mark and organise the UK's biggest charity events and Catwalks. I later hope to release my own Lingerie and Swim wear range and have a specialised range for customers who have suffered with breast cancer. Being an ambassador of The Joshua Foundation has opened many doors for me, and shown me how important it is to help charities; they depend on peoples donations. I would like to carry on my work with the charity for many years to come.

What is your proudest personal accomplishment?
The honor of being an Ambassador for The Joshua Foundation. Along with representing my country, I will also spend the next year representing an amazing charity, helping children with terminal cancer and have the opportunity to travel with the children and make their time on earth an enjoyable one.

What is something unique that has happened to you; some interesting thing about you?
I was brought up into a very intuitive family, my great grandad lived in Africa and built the first African railway, he was known as an African healer and known to have a very spiritual gift, I was not fortunate to meet him but he published books which are now on show in a London museum. His gift was passed onto my mum, Diane Lazarus who is a Psychic and Healer, she was born with an extrodinary yet amazing gift and is able to help others. I am a very strong spiritual believer.

What do you want the judges to know about you?
You only get one chance at making a good first impression. This is a one in a life time chance and I intend to give it my 100% commitment and to be a great ambassador to my country.

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