Saturday, July 5, 2008

Charlotte Labee - Miss Netherlands

Charlotte Labee

Age: 22
Height: 5'9"
Hair Color: Blond
Eye Color: Blue

What are your interests and what do you enjoy doing the most?
My interest has always been the fashion industry. At present I manage a ladies clothing boutique, for which I am in charge of selecting the whole collection and manage the daily activities in the store. I enjoy also modeling, fitness, horse back riding, and spending quality time with my family & friends.

What is your career ambition?
My career ambition is to become Miss Universe and with the help of the publicity that comes with it, support charities I care for as for instance, UNICEF and the WWF. And with all the new contacts I hope to gain during this unique experience, I’d like to expand my business and open several new boutiques in other towns in Holland.

What is your proudest personal accomplishment?
At the age of 21, I was running a business completely by myself as manager of a famous clothing boutique and at that same age I bought my own house.

What is something unique that has happened to you; some interesting thing about you?
I think what makes me unique is that although I am young, I have seen a lot of the world. I have experienced the good and the bad of life. This has made me a grateful and positive person. It’s not for nothing that all my friends and family call me “Mary Poppins”.

What do you want the judges to know about you?
What you see is what you get; no hidden agenda. Honesty is my philosophy in life. When I set a goal in my life I work 200% to make it reality!

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