Saturday, July 5, 2008

Lisa Lazarus - Miss Ukraine

Lisa Lazarus

Age: 19
Height: 5'11"
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Green

What are your interests and what do you enjoy doing the most?
From early childhood I've been collecting dolls that I would bring from different parts of the world. I like reading, especially detective stories. I like dancing and cooking very much too. I'm good in preparing dishes of my national, as well as Italian cuisine.

What is your career ambition?
I'm a person with purpose. I want to have my own television program and direct it, but I believe that my main mission is to create a happy family and bring up a lot of children.

What is your proudest personal accomplishment?
I'm not a haughty person and I'm rather self-critical. I find it difficult to talk about my deeds. I'm doing charity and it brings me great happiness. I think that one should behave in such a way for others to respect him or her.

What is something unique that has happened to you; some interesting thing about you?
Once I had a dream that I was competing in the Miss Universe competition, and a year later, I won in the national contest, which has given me the opportunity to present my country in the most prestigious contest, Miss Universe!

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