Friday, July 4, 2008

Laura Dundovic - Miss Australia

Laura Dundovic

Age: 21
Height: 5'11"
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown

What are your interests and what do you enjoy doing the most?
My interests range from psychology and humanities to sport and fashion. I love traveling as it enables me to learn about different cultures and meet new people.

What is your career ambition?
My career ambition is to complete my honours degree and become an organisational psychologist. Ideally, I would like to own my own organisational psychology firm.

What is your proudest personal accomplishment?
My proudest accomplishment is getting into Psychology which, in Australia, is an extremely competitive course.

What do you want the judges to know about you?
I set no limits on my abilities. I can achieve whatever I set my mind on accomplishing through my strong determination and self-motivation. I am a perfectionist and I am not happy just succeeding in one field. As such I continue to raise my personal standards in not only my education but sport, performing arts and my personal relationships

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