Saturday, December 20, 2008

Annmarie De Hainaut Velezmoro - Miss Peru

Annmarie De Hainaut Velezmoro

Annmarie was born in Miami, Florida, and grew up in Lima, the capital of Peru. A country rich with ethnic cultures and races, and has a diverse climate and vegetation.

She has completed her high school education gaining an acceptance to college; she plans to take a language degree and study to become a veterinarian. Her passion is protecting animals from abuse.

Sporting and leisure interests are: volley ball, soccer; reading, listening to Latin ballads, and has a special talent for mime. Her proudest day was when she graduated from High School with honors and a first place diploma in maths. Favorite food is the national dish of Peru ‘ceviche de pescado’.

Her motto is “A sincere smile can change some ones day”.

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