Saturday, December 20, 2008

Elena Angione - Miss Seychelles

Elena Angione

Elena was born in Italy and relocated to the Seychelles at the age of two. She considers that the Seychelles have it all; from the amazing water world, deep blue sea caressing the pearly white beaches, to the picturesque post card scenery, to the mountains full of flora and fauna where endemic birds sing harmoniously!

Elena is enjoying working for Air Seychelles as a supervisor/customer services officer in the C.I.P lounge, her ambition is to work her way to the top.

Leisure interests include: reading; writing; singing; listening to Pop, R&B and Latino music; looking after her pet dog named Chupette. Favourite foods are Oriental and Creole cuisine.

Her motto is “Kindness creates the ability to love and understand”.

If you were stranded on a desert island what one item could you not be without?

If I was stranded on a desert island I most definitely could not be without a barrel of water, (because water is the source of life).

What is the craziest thing you have ever done?

One time when I was about 13, me and my best friend skived school just so we could go fishing!!!

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