Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Christina Marie Trejo Baiz - Miss Aruba

Christina Marie Trejo Baiz

My name is Christina Trejo-Baiz. I grew up in Companashi in Oranjestad, on the beautiful island of Aruba. A breezy, sunny island with beautiful beaches, historic landmarks such as the Indian caves, the gold mines, rare rock formations, and wonderful warm friendly people.

I am studying for a BSc, with a major in Tourism; my ambition is to become a Public Relations Ambassador for Aruba. One of my working experiences was distributing flyers on roller blades for the carnival parade, very challenging but funny!

My hobbies and sporting interests are: Swimming; Tang So Doo (a Korean martial art) arts & crafts; singing; I enjoy Latin/Caribbean rhythm; modern dance, and folklore. Favourite food is seafood, especially garlic shrimps.

Personal motto is “Face the past without regrets, live the present with confidence and prepare for the future without fear”.

Let me tell you more about myself: The craziest thing I have ever done was going on a “Bungy Jump” in Orlando Florida If I could travel back in time I would like to go back to the Renaissance Era. This was an Era that marked the rebirth of Arts and Sciences. I would have loved to experience that cultural movement with its great paintings, music and dances. Especially the line and circle dances with its spectacular dresses. I presented such a dance during the Aruba Carnival Queen election.

If I was stranded on a desert island the one item that I could not be without is a picture of my family.

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