Thursday, December 18, 2008

Leah Nicole Ryerse - Miss Canada

Leah Nicole Ryerse

My name is Leah Nicole Ryerse. I was born in Hamilton, Ontario and raised in Stoney Creek. Canada is a multicultural country where the doors are always open.

professional model and work in Public Relations and Promotions at Family Fitness Women’s Centres. My ambition is to work with children and mental health illnesses. Hobbies & sporting interests are: Fitness; power yoga; rollerblading; fishing; basketball; listening to all kinds of music: acting; belly dancing & hip hop. I enjoy everything healthy, including pizza!

Interesting fact: I am colour-blind, and my eye colour is blue on the top and brown on the bottom. Personal motto: We can change the world with one random act of kindness at a time. If you were stranded on a desert island what one item could you not be without?
A knife – for survival and protection.

Who do you admire most in the world?
My grandmother – who experienced WWII, moved to Canada on her own and had to learn a new language, as well as find a job to support her family. She has a beautiful soul, is loving, accepting and gives amazing advice due to her experiences and wisdom.

What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done?
The craziest thing I’ve ever done is gone scuba diving in Florida with sharks and stingrays.

In your mind, what is your greatest achievement?
My greatest achievement so far was obtaining honors grades in high school and being accepted to McMaster University.

If you could travel back in time when and where would you travel?
If I could travel back in time I would travel back to the summer of grade six. I was young, carefree and still believed in magic. It was one of the best years of my life!

What is your favorite movie?

Who is your favorite band?
Silverstein – a band from my greater home town area, Burlington, Ontario.

Tell us about your life?
I am at McMaster University studying health and social work. I am currently working towards a double honors Bachelor of Arts degree. I used to be very involved with sports, especially basketball, where I was MVP on both of my high school and travel teams. Working as a professional model, I love to live a healthy lifestyle and spend a lot of my time at the gym promoting and working out. I have a small family and we are all very unique in our own way, but we enjoy many of the same activities. I believe that everything happens for a reason. We are all put on this earth for our own purpose, and mine is to help others. I have a passion for children and people with mental health illnesses, and hope that one day I can make a difference in their lives.

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