Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Bikini for Sarah Palin, you game?

WASHINGTON: Alaska governor Sarah Palin appears clad in a bikini and fur coat in an online game posted by animal rights group People for the Eth

ical Treatment of Animals (PETA) to urge Internet users to help make the holidays safe for animals by fighting back against notorious animal abusers.
The game lets players pelt the Alaska governor with snowballs.
PETA President Ingrid Newkirk has revealed that she got a call from someone claiming to be from Palin's office, threatening a lawsuit if the game was not removed from their Web site.
Bruce Friedrich, PETA's VP of policy and communications, said that the man on the phone did not reveal his identity.
Friedrich said that Palin's lawyers "are welcome to talk to our lawyers."
"Sarah Palin is a bully who never saw an animal she didn't want to kill, so it's not surprising that her staff would try to intimidate us anonymously and then backtrack when called out. Our game represents a fun way to focus attention on a very serious subject - cruelty to animals supported by Sarah Palin and the other targets of the game - and we have no intention of taking it down in response to these pathetic attempts at intimidation," Politico.com quoted Friedrich, as saying.
However, Palin's communications director Bill McAllister, claims that they are not upset about the snowball game.
"We take all kinds of shots all the time. We realize we're a fair target. I could care less about the game," he said.
McAllister says he is miffed about the alleged call Newkirk received.
"This allegation about a lawsuit is just too much. No one in our office knew anything about it. And PETA has refused to say who called," he said.

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