Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Brigite Santos - Miss Angola

Brigite Santos

My name is Brigite Santos. I was born in Angola`s capital Luanda, and am the youngest in my family with eight brothers.

Having just finished High School, I am now a student with an ambition to qualify as a Petroleum Engineer. Hobbies and leisure interests are: travelling; swimming; music (especially listening to jazz for relaxing times); favourite food is grilled fish and salad.

My proudest moment was passing my driving test just as I turned 18 years old.

My personal motto is “Life is too short, so enjoy every moment”.

Q. If you were stranded on a desert island what one item could you not be without?
A. First thing it`s water , and the rest I will look for it.

Q. Who do you admire most in the world?
A. My family , but Nelson Mandela is my idol !!!!

Q. What is the craziest thing you have ever done?
A. Went to an island called Mussulo away from my home at middle of the night and got into a heavy storm.

Q. If you could travel back in time when and where would you travel?
A. My childhood !!!! great times , free as a bird and just good memories !!!

Q. What is your favourite movie?
A. Save the last dance.

Q. Who is your favourite band?
A. Impactus 4 a Angolan traditional dance music band.

Q. Tell us about your life...
A. I am in a happy moment , going to represent my country in the Miss World contest , when I get back I will keep my university classes and I just got a invitation to start working in a publicity agency , so I´m really in a happy moment.

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