Thursday, December 18, 2008

Tanja Vujicic - Miss Bosnia and Herzegovina

Tanja Vujicic

My name is Tanja Vujicic. I was born in Mostar, then moved with my family to a small town called Nevesinje in the valley of the Velez mountain. Bosnia Herzegovina is a small beautiful country which reflects its beauty in the nature of its mountains and rivers, it gained its independence in 1992.

and it is my ambition to continue my studies and qualify as a dentist. My favourite food is fruit and salads and I like listening to all types of music and reading books. My sporting and leisure interests are: swimming, acting, I have enjoyed Latin and standard dance for 6 years, which led to me receiving first place certificates. Personal motto is “Don’t permit emotions to overcome the intellect”

Q. If you were stranded on a desert island what one item could you not be without?
A. If I were stranded on a desert island I could not be without o book. I enjoy reading books and a book is my best friend, when I am sad or when I am happy. From my point of view reading is the greatest pleasure and we can learn something new from every book. Reading is the highest treasure.

Q.Who do you admire most in the world?
A. Angelina Jolie is a person who I admire the most in the world. Firstly she is beautiful and her success is result of her hard work. She is very rich, but she isn't miserly. She has three of her own children and also, she adopted three from Africa. Angelina is a helpful person and she travels everywhere to help poor children. Also, she has a successful husband beside her.

Q. What\\\'s the craziest thing you have ever done?
A. The craziest thing I have ever done was when I tried to shave my head, when I was a seven years old. My experiment wasn't successful because my mother came at last moment and she took away the razor. Although she came, my hair was partially destroyed. My parents were yelling at me, but that was very silly of me.

Q. In your mind, what is your greatest achievement?
A. I think there isn't any greater achievement than to represent your country in a big competition like Mis World. I'm very proud and I consider this is a huge success. But, I'm proud of my excellent marks in school.When I finished primary school I got the highest certificate. For me, education is the most important thing. Also, I got the highest recognition from my town. I'm active person. So, I have one more achievement. I was the fourth in the world competition in Latino-American and standard dance.

Q. If you could travel back in time when and where would you travel?
A.If I could travel back in time I would travel to the period of romanticism. At that time the greatest works were written by greatest writers, too. They wrote about love, honesty, freedom, about positive things. This feelings were represented in other arts, too. From my point of view that was the best time and I would travel to this period.

Q. What's your favourite movie?
A. I adore romantic movies. For me number one is Titanic. It is a perfect, unbeatable. I like it because of the love which exist between two people. Their love is so strong and nothing can destroy it. Love is the most noble emotion.

Q. Who is your favourite band?
A.My favorite band is Abba. I like their music. Their songs are so different and they will live forever.

Q. Tell us about your life....
A I was born in Bosnia and Herzegovina on july 5th 1990. I was born in Mostar, but because of the war my family ( father, mother and brother ) moved to Nevesinje. It's a small town near Mostar. I have been living there since 1992.
I finished primary school there and enrolled High school. I'm excellent student and it\\\'s a result of my hard work and intelligence. When I was nine I started with classes of the English language. Also, at that time I started to dance Latino- American and standard dances. I can't imagine my life without this sport.I'm full of energy and this is the best way to expend it.

I want to become a successful person, to become a dentist. I enjoy reading books, swimming, walking, acting... I'm a very optimistic and ambitious person. I'm a positive and communicative person. I always like to be surrounded by positive people. I'm self-confident and I have high regard for myself. From my point of view people need to have a good opinion about themselves if they want to be respected by others. Everything I aspired for ended with success. But, I must write that I'm realistic and have never wanted something impossible.

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