Thursday, December 18, 2008

Nataly Chilet Bustaman - Miss Chile

Nataly Chilet Bustaman

My name is Nataly Chilet Bustaman. I grew up in the capital, Santiago. Chile is surrounded by the Andes and the Pacific, it has a diverse landscape: deserts in the North; glaciers in the South. The main export is wine and copper.

I have worked in TV and have hosted a show featuring Chile’s natural treasures, I am also a student of veterinary medicine. Sports and leisure interests are: acting; reading poetry (favorite book is “20 Love Poems and One Desperate Song” by Pablo Neruda; listening & dancing to Latin music; canoeing; rafting; parachuting; travelling.

My favorites food is salmon; and my motto is “Make your life a dream and your dreams… reality”. If you were stranded on a desert island what one item could you not be without?
It's not exactly an item, but if I were stranded on a desert island I could not be without my faith. Faith would make me face the situation bravely in order to find food and water and it would give me hope to know that I would be found eventually.

Who do you admire most in the world?
My role model is the actress Brigitte Bardot. We share the same awareness about animals; she founded an organization around the world to protect them and that is also something I would like to accomplish some day in my country.

What is the craziest thing you have ever done?
The craziest thing was when I did a skydive, even though I did it with all the safety measures, to be on a plane and jump off goes against our instincts for survival. This experience made me see life from another perspective.

In your mind, what is your greatest achievement?
My greatest achievement, so far, was in an animal adoption event that I organized. I managed to find homes for more than 100 stray dogs. It was one of the most rewarding moments in my life.

If you could travel back in time when and where would you travel?
I'd really like to travel to ancient Greece. The time when the greatest philosophers gave lectures to the public, discussing issues concerning the knowledge of our most inner self. I\'d love to witness one of those moments.

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